What we do

ARDEN workshops at a glance

We offer full-day courses (6+ hours), short, regular or one-off sessions (2-3 hours), as well as individual coaching. Our topics range from presenting with impact to team building and leadership training.

Leadership training

This training is aimed at anyone who is interested in starting or deepening their leadership approach and skills. We help cultivate communication and feedback skills, learn to embrace failure, release creativity and boost self-awareness. You will come out of this course feeling more confident and empowered in your ability to implement your vision and lead a group.

Leadership training for women: take center stage

We also offer a specific workshop that is aimed at women in leadership, in which we additionally help people overcome the specific challenges that women face in leadership roles. 

Communication and presentation skills

We will help you improve your presentations, develop your interpersonal skills and build your confidence when talking in front of others. We borrow techniques from the world of theatre to help you use and tailor your voice and body language and step confidently into the spotlight.

Team building

We foster co-creation, co-leadership and trust building for teams of people that want to deepen and strengthen their group dynamics and working environments. Through our bespoke theatre workshops, we use creativity and open, playful exchange to connect teams, improve their inter-communication skills and… This workshop is ideal for teams of up to 15 people and we cater for a variety of different employment situations and team dynamics.